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George Bilionis
PhD Student
George was born in Towcester, England. He completed his integrated Master’s degree at the University of Nottingham (UK), where he undertook his final year project under the supervision of Prof. Michael George. Here, his work focused on the development, optimisation and scaling of photochemical rearrangements reactions in continuous flow. In 2022, George was appointed to the iCAT CDT programme at the University of Manchester (UK). During this time, he completed two project rotations in the laboratories of Prof. David J. Procter and Dr Darren Willcox. After the programme, he joined the Crisenza group for his doctoral studies in collaboration with Prof. Robert Dryfe. George’s efforts focus on the development of novel electrosynthetic reactions for the functionalisation of unsaturated hydrocarbons, and their applications to continuous flow methodologies.
Outside of labs, George enjoys reading, cooking, and going to gigs.